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Oakwood Infant and Nursery School

Teaching with Compassion

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Purple Mash



We are so excited that we have bought a subscription into Purple Mash here at Oakwood Infant and Nursery School!


What is Purple Mash? 

Purple Mash is a creative educational website for children. Used by thousands of schools, it is is a cross-curricular resource covering art to science and all subjects in between. Our pupils can access Purple Mash from home on a laptop, desktop or a tablet.


All pupils have a login and a password. These should remain confidential and allow you and your child unique access. If you need help with logging in to your child's account, please speak to your class teacher who will be happy to assist you further. 


Purple Mash is a safe environment that does not require any downloading or allow interaction with people online and children cannot make any financial transactions. We will be using Purple Mash in school to support the curriculum and will be encouraging the children to continue their learning at home – Purple Mash is a great resource for this. It is also just a great resource for your child to explore and enjoy when they have a bit of spare time! It is a huge and growing resource and there are some parts that the children will just enjoy exploring themselves. However, you may want to take a few minutes to explore it yourself so that you can help them with their learning. Most apps have a video guide to support use.


Mini Mash:

Mini Mash is the area of Purple Mash specifically designed for children in the ‘Early Years’. Inside, you’ll find a virtual classroom packed full of activities for children aged 5 and under.


Creative Tools:

There are 20+ open-ended tools inside Purple Mash. They range in complexity from simple painting programs to sophisticated coding tools.



Purple Mash has over 1,500 ready-to-use writing and painting projects. They cover everything from aliens to the Victorians. You can use the ‘Topics’ tab to browse by subject or, alternatively, use the search bar at the top right of the screen to look for something specific.



There are a variety of games that are really fun to play but also help children practice their Maths and English skills. They are a great way to re-enforce learning outside of school hours.


Saving and Sharing Work

Purple Mash lets your child save their work online. It’s very easy, just look out for the floppy disk icon on the toolbar and follow the simple instructions. To access saved files, go to the ‘Online Work’ tab. Once saved you can also ‘share’ work. Just look out for the globe icon on the toolbar. This will share work to one of our school’s “display boards” or create a link so your work can be viewed online by people that don’t have Purple Mash.


Purple Mash on Tablets

The vast majority of Purple Mash is accessible when using iPads or Android tablets. Use Purple Mash via your tablet’s browser.


Parent Guide to Purple Mash

This video shows you how to use Purple Mash at home with your child.

Enjoy Purple Mash!
