Get your child to school on time, every day and help to build your child’s future.
Regular school attendance and good punctuality are paramount to good pupil outcomes. At Oakwood Infant and Nursery School we are committed to encouraging good attendance and are robust in monitoring it. We take action when attendance fails and provide a full and efficient education to encourage our pupils to strive for excellence.
The school views good attendance and punctuality as crucial to mental health and well-being so Mrs Lloyd, who is our Safeguarding and Mental Health and Well-Being Leader, is our attendance officer.
If your child cannot attend school, parents are required to contact and leave a message on the school absence line by 8.45am. We require you to call EVERY DAY of your child’s absence. If we do not receive a reason for your child’s absence then we will try and contact you to find out why your child is not in school. Should we be unable to contact you we will ask our Educational Welfare Officer to carry out a home visit. The EWO may also do a home visit if your child has been absent for more than three days.
Wherever possible, we would ask that medical appointments be made outside of the school day, although we understand that this is not always possible. If you child does need to attend a medical appointment e.g. dentist, doctor or hospital, you may be asked to provide evidence of this appointment. This can be in the form of a compliment slip from the surgery/other, giving your child’s name and date of appointment, as long as it bears an official signature and stamp.
Holidays in Term Time:
A reminder that we DO NOT authorise holiday during term time. Leave of absence applications are intended for families where there is an exceptional circumstance that requires a child to be away from school. If you do feel that you have an exceptional reason for requesting leave of absence, please complete a leave of absence form, available from the school office. Holiday taken during term-time has an impact on your child’s learning and attainment. In line with Government advice, if children are taken out of school without the Headteacher’s authorisation, a penalty notice may be issued.
Attendance during one school year | Equivalent lessons missed per year | Equivalent days missed per year | Equivalent weeks missed per year |
95% | 36 lessons | 9 days | 2 weeks |
90% | 76 lessons | 19 days | 4 weeks |
85% | 116 lessons | 29 days | 6 weeks |
80% | 152 lessons | 38 days | 8 weeks |
75% | 192 lessons | 48 days | 10 weeks |
70% | 228 lessons | 57 days | 11.5 weeks |
65% | 268 lessons | 67 days | 13.5 weeks |
Why do I need to go to school every day?
What happens if I don’t go to school?