At Oakwood Infant and Nursery School, we deliver our PSHE/RSHE through a programme called Jigsaw. Many schools use this programme too. Jigsaw is a complete scheme of work for PSHE covering the entire PSHE curriculum for primary children 4 – 11. Jigsaw’s philosophy is about inclusion and valuing all children which links perfectly with our values here at Oakwood Infant and Nursery School.
Recently, the Department for Education (DfE) have made the Relationships and Health Education aspect of PSHE compulsory in all Primary Schools.
To support our delivery of a PSHE curriculum which encompasses the new requirements regarding Relationships, Sex and Health Education, we will continue using Jigsaw. Jigsaw lessons will take place once a week and will last one hour (depending on the age of the children).
Please take a look at the Jigsaw and DfE documents below to find out a little bit more. These documents include:
Department for Education RSE guide for parents
An overview of what the children will be learning in Jigsaw PSHE/RSHE.
FAQ sheet
Our RSHE policy
DfE guidance that outlines statutory requirements
We have also included a survey which we would like you to complete please after reading our RSHE policy.
We look forward to your responses. Please complete the survey monkey questionnaire below: