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Oakwood Infant and Nursery School

Teaching with Compassion

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Hot Chocolate Train

Each week, three children from each Reception, year 1 and year 2 classes are chosen to join the Hot Chocolate Train.  They are chosen for exceptional actions throughout the week.  This is celebrated by jumping on board the Chocolate Train and taken to the Small Hall Station for delicious hot chocolate, marshmallows, a chocolate bar and biscuit!


The children have a special ticket which tells you what they have done and this is clipped to a special golden certificate.


The train is announced by the whistle blowing and then the cry from the children goes around the school: "It's the chocolate train!"  They absolutely love it.


Please be aware, there is a full list of children with allergies.  Any child who cannot have any of the items above has a substitute that is just as special.  This depends on their allergy.


All Aboard the Chocolate Train for a very special thank you!
